
Photo © Holger Kist

… when there are no answers, and that’s where we often find ourselves, I try to touch the unknown.

Anke Eckardt is a German artist, born 1976 in the GDR.

Her work often addresses aspects of communication and politics. She explores fragile overlaps between collective and individual identity and imagination, examines power relations and the politics of materiality, particularly with regard to the development of new technologies.

In her multimedia and sound installations as well as in her sculptures, she works with sound in combination with light, analog material, architecture, kinetic elements, text and new media. In the intermedial interplay she is interested in the possibilities of conceptual and aesthetic couplings and breaks.

Her work has been exhibited internationally, among others at Némo Biennial Paris, Steirischer Herbst/musikprotokoll, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) Berlin, Ars Electronica in Linz, ISEA Hong Kong, AIL Angewandte Interdisciplinary Laboratory Vienna, MAKK Museum Cologne, Enlighten at the Central Library in Manchester, TodaysArt in The Hague, CYNETART at Festspielhaus Hellerau Dresden, Skaņu Mežs as part of the European Capitals of Culture in Riga and at the CTM Festival Berlin.

She is a Full Professor of Fine Arts at the University of Art and Design Graz since 2023, where she embeds her artistic approach in the practice of teaching and research. Previously she was a Visiting Professor of Sound at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne/KHM (2014-2017) and Visiting Professor of Sound Art at the Hochschule für Musik Mainz of the Johannes Gutenberg University (2016-2017). The Frauenkulturbüro NRW Germany commissioned her as the artistic advisor for the Female Artists‘ Prize of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, which was awarded in the Digital Art category in 2022.

After living in Dresden, Berlin, Los Angeles, Cologne, Kassel and Rome, since 2023 Anke Eckardt is based in Graz and Vienna.

Photo © Ki Chun Park