

Artistic Research on Digital Synesthesia: VERTICAL 2. Anke Eckardt

In: Digital Synesthesia. A Model for the Aesthetics of Digital Art

Edited by: Katharina Gsöllpointner , Ruth Schnell and Romana Karla Schuler,

In the series Edition Angewandte, 200 pages, numerous colour photos, 2016

ISBN 9783110459340

The publication brings together the results of the artistic research project DIGITAL SYNESTHESIA (2013-2016) and is the first comprehensive compendium on the concept of “digital synaesthesia”.

“Digital synesthesia” encompasses a completely new concept of digital art in the 21st century, which combines the multimedia aesthetics of digital art based on the binary code with the multimodality of synesthesia as a form of perception.

Under the term “Digital Synesthesia”, the editors not only give this new phenomenon a name. Texts by renowned media and art theorists, media artists and neuroscientists provide exciting insights into research into the synaesthetic perceptual possibilities of multimedia digital artworks.
Interdisciplinary compendium on digital synaesthesia in multimedia art Latest findings on the perception of digital art

» Degruyter » Academia

Artist book: Anke Eckardt. Sonic Spaces

Revolver Publishing Berlin 2013,80 pages, 245 colour photos, 2 illustrations, 20 x 26 cm, Hardcover, English

With contributions from: Tiago da Costa e Silva, Anselm Franke, Toby Heys, Wolfgang Lucht, Claus Pias and Holger Schulze

ISBN 978-3-86895-336-7

Sound and media artist Anke Eckardt builds large-scale multi sensory installations. In this monograph, she presents three artistic research projects that illustrate her on-going artistic and theoretical investigations into the basic components and dimensions of space.

GROUND (2012-2013)
WALL (2010-2012)
VERTICALITY (2008-2010)

The ambiguity of both ground and groundlessness, the role of the wall as a (permeable) boundary as well as the close interplay of verticality and the staging of power serve as a means to reflect on perspectives derived from the natural sciences, the humanities and political ethics, and can be experienced within Anke Eckardts poetic installations as tangible phenomena.

With contributions from: Tiago da Costa e Silva, Anselm Franke, Toby Heys, Wolfgang Lucht, Claus Pias and Holger Schulze.

» Revolver Publishing

Anke Eckardt in conversation with Anselm Franke on ground/ groundlessness

In: Wahrnehmung, Erfahrung, Experiment, Wissen. Objektivität und Subjektivität in den Künsten und den Wissenschaften …

Published by Diaphanes, Berlin/Zürich 2014, Edited by: Susanne Stemmler, 328 pages

ISBN 978-3-03734-666-2

Science-related working methods by artists – often referred to as “artistic research” – raise questions about the production, sharing, deconstruction and reappropriation of knowledge. Relationships between objectivity and subjectivity are always an underlying or explicitly addressed topic: while an “objective” approach is often still expected from “the sciences”, the arts claim freedom and the right to “subjectivity”. However, it is precisely the fine line between these two extremes on which definitions of artistic and scientific practices are negotiated. This volume brings together positions on this topic from experts from the sciences and arts as well as artists.

» Diaphanes

Play.Test. Über die Kunst des Experimentierens

Edited by: Alberto de Campo, Ulrike Hentschel, Dorothée King and Axel Kufus,

Revolver Publishing, Berlin 2013, 248 pages, numerous illustrations, 26 x 16 cm, paperback, German/English …

ISBN 978-3-86895-282-7 

Playtesting is a practice that plays with the ignorance of the outcome of the experiment by provoking the unexpected. …

Precondition is the involvement of engaged team-mates who are game for the ideas of the others. This attitude labels the activities and promoted projects at the Graduate School for the Arts and Sciences at Berlin University for the Arts. Its polyphony proofs the specialties of the distinct languages of music, visual arts, film, literature, or dance that encounter here. What kinds of modes of cognition are produced with poetic research, intuitive insight, counterknowledge, levels of in between and aesthetical experiments? Debated are possibilities of collective thinking and working at the borders of disciplines and also questions regarding localisation in the current discussions on the interface of arts and sciences.

Scholarship holders 2011-2013: Anke Eckardt, Echo Ho,Valentina Karga, Eva Könnemann, Judith Raum, Gerhard Schultz, Lioudmila Voropai

» Revolver Publishing