Mirror Neurons

Rome, street views, © AE

Mirror Neurons

2022 – ongoing

Interactive AR Installation

Part of Inka AR, to be downloaded in the Apple app store

In Sweden, the political shift to the right began with the resignation of Magdalena Andersson in 2022. In Italy, the southern end of this imaginary north-south axis that runs across Europe, this development continued shortly after with the election of Giorgia Meloni as Prime Minister.
The hybrid work processes these developments in a structure with a  cactus-like surface, that shows similarities with a neural network. Eckardt designed several nodes, that are connected with octopus-like arms. When approaching the neuron nodes, they each begin to sound.
The multichannel sound architecture is based on a spatial audio application, that has real-time access to a sound library. Therefore Eckardt produced electronic sounds and recordings of latex skins, slapped against walls. She combined these sounds with excerpts of speeches by Meloni and Anderson. Each sound is spatially mapped in the territory of the neural network. As visitors walk through, coupled to their own changing position in space, they create sonic relations.

Credit pictures: Anke Eckardt

With thanks to the supporting developers Selina Wernike and Dagmar Schürrer